Practice Non-attachment To Unlock Your Crown Chakra.

Saranya Nadar
3 min readJun 23, 2020

Practice Non-attachment to End Your Suffering caused by People.

What is Non attachment?

All our attachments act like counterweight and weigh us down, leaving us unable to rise beyond our perspective.

Much the same as how we practice yoga, works out, singing, etc, one must practice nonattachment in our daily lives to stay sane and in your own lane. It is important to understand that attachment affects us emotionally and spiritually to a crazy extent that one is never aware of and it is usually is ignored. It’s time to give some light on it.

Non attachment ends your suffering while attachment holds you back from achieving your fullest potential. Attachment tends to drain your energy and suck the soul out of you, holds you back from giving the same energy to someone else, as that one particular person you give it to has taken it from you.

It is not harmful if it is a healthy attachment such as with family, but even with them, too much can make you suffer, when you are away from them. You are constantly worried and thinking about them. It can also apply to relationships and friendships

A famous quote “Non-attachment doesn’t mean we don’t own things. It means we don’t allow things to own us”.

In the Eastern religion, According to the Lord Buddha( Buddhism: religion in India), when we get attached to things, we suffer. His belief is so, because he left his kingdom and luxurious lifestyle to find the true meaning of life and how to end human suffering. Buddha meditated for years to find the answers and one fine day he got awakened and said non attachment in the demon.

Our body has seven chakras or you can say seven energy centers.

Attachment is the demon of the crown chakra, the 7th chakra. This demon can repress the goal to reach higher consciousness.

Attachment haves us anchored in time, unable to more forward, trapped in a small place and unable to embrace a larger place. However, it is not something we can live entirely without, as we need to keep some healthy attachments to our loved ones and our goals in life.

So letting go and detachment is the key to truly enjoying life and adoring others.

However, detachment is different from nonattachment. Detachment is letting go, nonattachment is letting be. It is self care and a sense of freedom. You can consider nonattachment a key to living a peaceful life and unbothered life where as you can connect and go back to the roots of the roots of yourself.

Ways to practice the art of Nonattachment;

  1. Write down what are your unhealthy attachments.
  2. Create boundaries where required.
  3. Be comfortable with solitude.
  4. Go to new places to expand your horizons.
  5. Suspend Trust.
  6. Lower your expectations of people’s actions towards you.
  7. Don’t take things too personally.
  8. Go only where you can grow.
  9. Letting it be.

